In this paper, we propose a continuous-time stochastic intensity model, namely, two-phase dynamic contagion process (2P-DCP), for modelling the epidemic contagion of COVID-19 and investigating the lockdown effect based on the dynamic contagion model introduced by Dassios and Zhao (2011). It allows randomness to the infectivity of individuals rather than a constant reproduction number as assumed by standard models. Key epidemiological quantities, such as the distribution of final epidemic size and expected epidemic duration, are derived and estimated based on real data for various regions and countries. The associated time lag of the effect of intervention in each country or region is estimated. Our results are consistent with the incubation time of COVID-19 found by recent medical study. We demonstrate that our model could potentially be a valuable tool in the modeling of COVID-19. More importantly, the proposed model of 2P-DCP could also be used as an important tool in epidemiological modelling as this type of contagion models with very simple structures is adequate to describe the evolution of regional epidemic and worldwide pandemic.
Keywords: Stochastic intensity model; Stochastic epidemic model; Two-phase dynamic contagion process; COVID-19;
Mathematics Subject Classification (2010): Primary: 60G55; Secondary: 60J75
JEL Classification: I1; H0; E6
In the early stages of epidemic modelling, the spread of diseases was formulated as a deterministic
process. The classical deterministic model of susceptible-infectious-recovered (SIR) was introduced in the
seminal paper of Kermack and McKendrick (1927). It models the spread and ultimate containment of an
infection in a setting where those who recover are immune to the disease and thus the susceptible
population declines over time. Many epidemic models are variations of the SIR model, see Brauer
et al. (2008); Keeling and Rohani (2008); Diekmann et al. (2013) and Martcheva (2015). For
example, during the outbreak of COVID-19 since December 2019, a commonly adopted approach for
predicting the number of infections is the susceptible-exposed-infectious-recovered (SEIR) model, which
adds an exposed period to the SIR model for accounting the reported incubation period of COVID-19
during which individuals are not yet infectious, e.g. Berger et al. (2020); Liu et al. (2020) and Tian
et al. (2020). More recently, Acemoglu et al. (2020) develop a multi-risk SIR model, which takes into
account that different subpopulations have different risks and is applied to analysing optimal lockdown.
However, the random nature of the epidemics spread in our real world suggests that a stochastic
model is needed. A continuous-time stochastic counterpart of SIR model was first proposed by
McKendrick (1925), and then a variety of stochastic models were studied in the literature, e.g.
Bartlett (1949, 1956) and Bailey (1950, 1953, 1957). For more recent developments on stochastic
epidemic models in general, see Daley and Gani (1999); Andersson and Britton (2000); Allen (2008)
and Fuchs (2013). In particular, many researchers adopted branching processes. Ball (1983) used the
birth-and-death process for constructing a sequence of general stochastic epidemics, and Ball and
Donnelly (1995) used branching processes to approximate the early stages of epidemic dynamics, see
also Britton (2010) and Ball et al. (2016).
In this paper, we propose a continuous-time stochastic epidemic model, namely, the two-phase
dynamic contagion process (2P-DCP), for modelling the epidemic contagion. It is a branching
process, and can be considered as a generalisation of dynamic contagion process (Dassios
and Zhao, 2011), which is an extension of the classical Hawkes process (Hawkes, 1971a,b).
In fact, Hawkes process and its various generalisations were originally used for modelling
earthquakes in seismology, and recently become extremely popular for modelling financial
contagion in economics, see Bowsher (2007); Large (2007); Embrechts et al. (2011); Bacry
et al. (2013a,b); Aït-Sahalia et al. (2015); Dassios and Zhao (2017a,b) and Qu et al. (2019).
Analogously, we advocate that they are also applicable to epidemiology. As not all individuals are
equally infectious in reality, the main advantage of this Hawkes-based approach is that, it allows
randomness to the infectivity of individuals, rather than a constant reproduction number (the average
number of subsequent infections of an infected individual) in standard models. In this paper, we
adopt the 2P-DCP as a more realistic and parsimonious example of Hawkes-based models
for modelling the current progression of COVID-19 and investigating the lockdown effect.
Key epidemiological quantities, such as the distribution of final epidemic size and expected
epidemic duration, have been derived and estimated based on real data. Pandemics have largely
shaped the history of human being as described in the popular book by McNeill (1976), and
have made huge impacts to our society and and economy. However, mathematical models
developed in epidemiology and economics don’t talk to each other much until the current
outbreak of COVID-19, which needs urgent calls (e.g. from The Royal Society) for researchers
across disciplines to work together and jointly support the scientific modelling for epidemics,
see recent intensive interplays between the two fields, e.g. Acemoglu et al. (2020); Alvarez
et al. (2020); Atkeson (2020); Eichenbaum et al. (2020) and Guerrieri et al. (2020). Our paper also
responds to the calls by introducing the Hawkes-based approach as a potentially very valuable tool for
epidemic modelling.
This paper is organised as follows: Section 2 offers the preliminaries including an introduction and formal mathematical definitions for our stochastic epidemic model, a two-phase dynamic contagion process. Key distributional properties, such as the distribution of final epidemic size and expected epidemic duration, are provided in Section 3. In Section 4, our model is implemented based on real data, and the associated time lag of the effect of intervention in each country or region is estimated. Finally, Section 5 draws a conclusion for this paper, and proposes some issues for possible further extensions and future research.
In this section, we introduce a two-phase dynamic contagion process (2P-DCP) for modelling the dynamics of COVID-19 contagion. The unobservable effective time that aggregated government interventions (e.g. lockdown of a city or country) came into effect is denoted by ℓ > 0, which divides the COVID-19 epidemic dynamics into two phases. Note that, the time point ℓ is different from the exact timing of intervention that can be observed. The cumulated number of infected individuals is described by a counting process Nt with N0 = 0, and it is modelled by a two-phase dynamic contagion process defined as below.
Definition 2.1 (Two-Phase Dynamic Contagion Process (2P-DCP)). A two-phase dynamic contagion process (2P-DCP) is a point process Nt with two phases:
![]() | (2.1) |
![]() | (2.2) |
The point process Nt and its intensity process λt are illustrated in Figure 1. Overall, we can more compactly define our new pandemic model, a two-phase dynamic contagion process, as a counting process Nt ≡{Ti}i=1,... with N0 = 0 and stochastic intensity
![]() | (2.3) |
![]() | (2.4) |
This equivalent definition as a dynamic contagion process has an advantage: it can be viewed as a branching process and has a more intuitive interpretation with regard to a pandemic. The cluster-process presentation is provided as follows.
λ0e-δt + ∑ k=1Nt* Zke-δ(t-Tk*), |
where externally-exciting jumps arrive as a Poisson process Nt* at time points {Tk*}k=1,... with sizes (marks) {Zk}k=1,..., and they disappear after time point ℓ when the interventions took effect, and there will be no any increase of imported cases in a long run.
In this section, we outline key distributional properties for the two-phase dynamic contagion process. We derived the conditional joint Laplace transform of λt and probability generating function of Nt, which are the key results to further derive the elimination probability of the epidemic and the distribution of the final epidemic size.
Let {t}t≥0 be the natural filtration of the point process Nt, i.e.
t = σ
and assume that the
intensity process {λt}t≥0 being
t-adapted. The joint Laplace transform and probability generating
function for (λt,Nt) is provided in Theorem 3.1 as below.
Theorem 3.1. For time s ≤t, the conditional joint Laplace transform and probability generating function for λt and the point process Nt is of the form
where A(s) is determined by the nonlinear ordinary differential equation (ODE)
![]() | (3.2) |
where the boundary condition is A(t) = v with
ĝ(u;t) = ∫ 0∞e-uydG(y;t), |
and c(t) is determined by
![]() | (3.3) |
ĥ(u) = ∫ 0∞e-uydH(y). |
Proof. For 0 ≤s ≤t ≤ℓ, λt is the intensity process of the dynamic contagion process introduced in
Dassios and Zhao (2011). The corresponding conditional joint Laplace transform, probability
generating function for the process λt and the point process Nt is provided in Theorem 3.1 of
Dassios and Zhao (2011). For ℓ < s ≤t, given s, the infinitesimal generator of the dynamic
contagion process (λs,Ns,s) acting on a function f(λ,n,s) within its domain Ω(
) is given
![]() | (3.4) |
Consider a function f(λ,n,s) of form
f(λ,n,s) = θne-A(s)λ, |
and substitute this into f = 0, we then have the ODE
A′(s) = δA(s) - 1 + θĝ![]() ![]() |
adding the boundary condition A(t) = v, gives the ODE in (3.2). __
The moments of λt and Nt can be obtained by differentiating the joint Laplace transform and probability generating function of λt and Nt, and the results are provided in Proposition 3.1 and 3.2 as below.
Proposition 3.1. The conditional expectation of the process λt given s for s ≤t is given by
μH = ∫ 0∞ydH(y), μ G = ∫ 0∞ydG 1(y)1{t≤ℓ} + ∫ 0∞ydG 2(y)1{t>ℓ}, |
and κ = δ -μG.
Proof. The result in (3.5) immediately follows Theorem 3.6 in Dassios and Zhao (2011). And since Nt -Ns -∫ stλ udu is a martingale, we have
E![]() ![]() |
which directly implies the result in (3.6). __
Proposition 3.2. The conditional second moment of the process λt given s for s ≤t is given by
μ2H = ∫ 0∞y2dH(y), μ 2G = ∫ 0∞y2dG 1(y)1{t≤ℓ} + ∫ 0∞y2dG 2(y)1{t>ℓ}, |
and κ = δ -μG.
Proof. These results immediately follows Lemma 3.1, Lemma 3.2 and Theorem 3.9 in Dassios and Zhao (2011). __
After the government interventions come into effect, the contagion rate will dramatically decline
and new cases will drop abruptly almost to nothing in the near future. It is therefore of great
interests to calculate the probability of elimination time, i.e. the time that the last ever case
arrives, after government interventions come into effect. Let to be elimination time such
![]() | (3.10) |
The condition probability of the elimination time is provided in Proposition 3.3.
Proposition 3.3. For ℓ ≤s ≤t, the elimination probability is given by
![]() | (3.11) |
where A(s) is determined by the ODE in (3.2) with boundary condition A(t) = .
Proof. Given being the timing of the last ever event, the event {
≤t} implies that Nu = Nt for any
u ≥t, which also lead to
λu = e-δ(u-t)λ t. |
Hence, we have
Given the last ever event { < t}, one could obtain the expected size of the epidemic at time t. The
relevant details are presented in Corollary 3.1.
Corollary 3.1. For ℓ ≤s ≤ ≤t, the conditional joint expectation of Nt and 1{
≤t}is of the following
Proof. According to Theorem 3.1 and Proposition 3.3, we have
The final epidemic size is one of the most important epidemiological quantities to study. In fact, under the two-phase dynamic contagion model, the final epidemic size is the value of the point process Nt when time goes to infinity. Conditional on s > ℓ, since there are no externally-exciting jumps in the intensity, the distribution of N∞ can be characterised by Proposition 3.4 as below.
Proposition 3.4. For ℓ < s, the probability generating function of N∞conditional on s is given
![]() | (3.15) |
v* = ![]() ![]() |
Proof. The result immediately follows Theorem 3.5 in Dassios and Zhao (2011). __
While the government interventions come into effect, if we assume i.i.d. self-exciting jump sizes Y i ~ Exp(β) for i = Nℓ + 1,...., then, we have an explicit expression for the probability generating function of N∞ as
∣![]() ![]() |
This implies that, the final epidemic size N∞ conditional on ℓ follows a mixed-Poisson distribution with
the probability mass function
![]() | (3.16) |
where m(v) is the density function of the mixing distribution,
m(v) := exp![]() ![]() |
which is an inverse Gaussian distribution with parameters λs and
We provide a calibration scheme based on the daily increments of the two-phase dynamic contagion process Nt. Let us first denote the observations of the daily confirmed COVID-19 cases as {Ct}t=0,1,2,...,T . The mean square error (MSE) between the expected daily increments of Nt and the actual reported daily confirmed COVID-19 cases is given as
![]() | (4.1) |
We consider the calibration based on minimising the MSE (4.1), i.e., we choose parameters (,
such that
MSE(![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
with α,β,δ,ϱ ≥ 0 and ℓ ∈ℕ+.
Without loss of generality, for simplicity, we assume Zk = 1 for any k, Y i ~ Exp(α) for i = 1,...,Nℓ
and Y i ~ Exp(β) for i = Nℓ + 1,..., and λ0 = 0 in (2.3) for model calibration. Other assumptions for
Zk,{Y i}i=1,...Nℓ,Nℓ+1,...,λ0 can also be used if necessary. We provide two empirical examples. The first
one concentrates on the COVID-19 pandemic in mainland China during the period from early January to
late March 2020. The second one focuses on the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic during
the period from mid February to early May 2020. The data we used are publicly available.
Datasets are mostly cited from the associated official government health department websites for
non-European countries and from the European Centre of Disease Control (ECDC) for European
The daily confirmed COVID-19 cases for regions in China can be obtained from daily reports of the
National Health Commission of the PRC. We use the reported daily confirmed cases for several
regions in China from 2020-01-19 to 2020-03-31 as examples for model calibration. The
corresponding estimation results are illustrated in Table 1. We can see that the estimator are quite
different from each other. In particular, these regions that are close to Hubei, namely Henan,
Hunan, Anhui, have relatively larger intensities for externally-exciting jumps, which means
that these regions experienced more external shocks from Wuhan and these external shocks
can be originally infected individuals from Wuhan. Naturally, without taking into account
Wuhan, the rest of Hubei has the largest intensity
for externally-exciting jumps. The main
government intervention established by the Chinese authority is the announcement of the
completely lockdown of Wuhan and later the whole Hubei Province on 23 January 2020.
One or two days later, all other regions enforced the quarantine and raised the alert of public
health emergency. Setting the date 2020-01-19 as the initial time t = 0, then the government
intervention took place when t = 4 and came into effect when t =
. Since the delay period of the
government interventions is the difference of the date when the government interventions came
into effect and the date when the government introduced the restriction measures, we can
therefore observe from Table 1 that the estimated delays of the government interventions for
different regions therefore are between 5 and 15 days, which are consistent to the incubation
time of COVID-19 for most people, e.g. as found in a highly cited medical study of Lauer
et al. (2020).
![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
Heilongjiang | 2.431123 | 8.036146 | 0.252324 | 0.934574 | 16 | 0.036414 |
Sicuan | 5.509284 | 7.402851 | 0.21608 | 3.913496 | 11 | 0.023037 |
Shandong | 5.303477 | 7.868065 | 0.340273 | 5.296465 | 19 | 0.033823 |
Jiangxi | 2.936512 | 7.903677 | 0.285922 | 3.782104 | 15 | 0.070023 |
Anhui | 3.644156 | 7.773938 | 0.339183 | 7.161244 | 18 | 0.037944 |
Hunan | 4.467952 | 7.660323 | 0.293860 | 8.351008 | 15 | 0.053281 |
Zhejiang | 1.398741 | 8.065125 | 0.260449 | 1.627822 | 09 | 0.144322 |
Henan | 3.370932 | 7.867786 | 0.286357 | 6.669105 | 15 | 0.042004 |
Guangdong | 2.316879 | 7.987904 | 0.256143 | 2.360507 | 12 | 0.073389 |
Hubei | 4.468435 | 28.46780 | 0.173874 | 58.24001 | 16 | 0.654813 |
The branching ratio (BR), which demonstrates the average infection rate, is determined by E[Y i]∕δ.
In Table 2, we compare the estimated branching ratios before and after the government interventions came
into effect, namely Rb and Ra, respectively. It is clear that the branching ratio for every region decreases
significantly when the state changed, i.e. government interventions came into effect. One can also access
the efficiency for when regions implemented the restriction packages introduced by the central
government by comparing the corresponding branching ratios Rb and Ra. The comparison of
Rb and Ra for regions in China are presented in Figure 2. We can see that the government
restriction packages had been well-implemented for all regions in China. In particular, Hubei,
where the strictest measure, i.e. the completely lockdown of Wuhan and Hubei, had been
introduced, shows a dramatic drop of contagion rate after the interventions came into effect.
![]() | Rb | Ra |
Heilongjiang | 1.630176 | 0.493166 |
Sicuan | 0.840021 | 0.625153 |
Shandong | 0.554130 | 0.373512 |
Jiangxi | 1.191025 | 0.442510 |
Anhui | 0.809039 | 0.379250 |
Hunan | 0.761641 | 0.444234 |
Zhejiang | 2.744989 | 0.476066 |
Henan | 1.035957 | 0.443853 |
Guangdong | 1.685052 | 0.488747 |
Hubei | 1.287094 | 0.202028 |
Figure 3 and 4 demonstrate comparisons between the expected daily/total confirmed cases for the
two-phase dynamic contagion model under the calibrated parameter (,
) in Table 1 and the
actual daily/total confirmed COVID-19 cases for the period 2020-01-19 to 2020-03-31. We observe that
the model allows different shapes of trend before the interventions came into effect. All these regions
indicate relatively smooth exponential decay of daily new cases after the peak. In addition, the estimated
cumulative confirmed cases are very close to the actual total confirmed COVID-19 cases,
which further confirms that our new model is a good candidate for describing the propagation
From mid-February 2020, the COVID-19 started to spread in other countries around the world. At
beginning, only a small number of initial cases were reported for some countries in Europe, South/East
Asia and North American. However, lately, several large outbreaks were reported in South
Korea, Italy, Iran, Spain, Japan and the total number of cases outside China quickly passed the
China’s. The WHO then recognized the spread of COVID-19 as pandemic on 2020-03-11. We
could use this as a second example to confirm our observations from the last exercise. The
calibration settings were the same as the previous one. We use the reported daily confirm cases for
different regions and countries around world from mid-February to early May 2020. Note that,
due to the fact that the pandemic reached each country or territory at different time and the
corresponding government interventions also imposed and came into effect at different times,
there is no sense to calibrate the model using the data within the same truncated time series.
Table 3 presents the estimation results (,
) of (α,β,δ,ϱ,ℓ) for various countries
and territories. We notice that regions and countries like Italy, China, New York have much
larger ϱ compared with other areas. This phenomena is reasonable as these areas have specific
outbreak area which created external shocks to other part of the regions and countries and
hence the number of confirmed cases increased more rapidly than other regions and countries.
![]() | Date0 | DateG | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
Australia | 2020-02-27 | 2020-03-15 | 1.703807 | 3.316083 | 0.401550 | 0.489762 | 28 | 0.124391 |
Austria | 2020-03-01 | 2020-03-10 | 2.860291 | 7.781922 | 0.222730 | 5.788434 | 24 | 0.326694 |
China(Mainland) | 2020-01-19 | 2020-01-23 | 2.846236 | 6.534269 | 0.242773 | 83.160865 | 17 | 1.003152 |
Czech | 2020-03-04 | 2020-03-10 | 3.464654 | 7.842862 | 0.174990 | 2.247588 | 25 | 0.359398 |
France | 2020-02-25 | 2020-03-13 | 3.453459 | 6.912410 | 0.191890 | 15.492535 | 36 | 5.410160 |
Germany | 2020-02-24 | 2020-03-12 | 3.246798 | 6.402097 | 0.201327 | 22.863727 | 32 | 3.464682 |
Greece | 2020-02-26 | 2020-03-10 | 4.181831 | 7.778144 | 0.200886 | 1.337306 | 35 | 0.172176 |
Hong Kong | 2020-03-01 | 2020-03-23 | 2.782369 | 8.054402 | 0.287048 | 0.512120 | 31 | 0.041714 |
Iceland | 2020-02-28 | 2020-03-13 | 3.405901 | 7.908691 | 0.275378 | 1.892734 | 33 | 0.163572 |
Italy | 2020-02-21 | 2020-03-05 | 3.068103 | 5.445646 | 0.211048 | 23.830431 | 30 | 0.911767 |
Latvia | 2020-03-07 | 2020-03-13 | 4.227388 | 7.819275 | 0.208209 | 1.145524 | 22 | 0.099024 |
New York | 2020-02-29 | 2020-03-12 | 2.449906 | 3.203563 | 0.356592 | 70.937604 | 33 | 2.926862 |
New Zealand | 2020-03-12 | 2020-03-16 | 2.122999 | 8.438649 | 0.204667 | 0.551023 | 14 | 0.064829 |
Norway | 2020-02-21 | 2020-03-12 | 4.496501 | 7.519573 | 0.195859 | 6.553447 | 29 | 0.303364 |
South Korea | 2020-02-16 | 2020-02-20 | 1.309507 | 8.771968 | 0.244316 | 5.641225 | 13 | 0.418018 |
Switzerland | 2020-02-25 | 2020-03-13 | 3.195829 | 7.046864 | 0.202615 | 14.083749 | 28 | 1.571950 |
In Table 3, we also presents the date of day 0, i.e. Date0, and the date of government interventions
imposed, i.e. DateG. The delay period of government interventions came into effect therefore can be
obtained given the estimated , with Date0 and DateG. The details for the delay periods of regions and
countries are illustrated in Figure 5. We can see that the delay of the interventions for different
regions and countries is around 8 ~ 21 days. In fact, the delay period can be considered as a
criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of restrictions imposed by the authorities to prevent
further spread of COVID-19. In general, most regions and countries with short delay periods
normally took tougher restrictions or more effective measures to stop the spread of virus. New
Zealand and South Korea are two typical examples. The authority of New Zealand introduced a
nationwide lockdown by closing all borders and entry ports to all nonresidents. On contrary,
the South Korea authority introduced one of the largest and best-organised epidemic control
programs to screen the mass population for the virus with isolation, tracing, quarantine took place
simultaneously without further lockdown. Therefore, the estimated delay periods for these
two countries are only 9 days for New Zealand and 8 days for South Korea, which are much
shorter than the average incubation time of COVID-19. For most European countries, due to the
containment restriction measures such as quarantines and curfews were not strictly put into
effect, the associated delay periods are relatively longer than the incubation time of COVID-19.
The estimated branching ratios before and after the government interventions came into effect for
different countries and territories are reported in Table 4. And Figure 6 demonstrates a comparison
between the BRs before the government interventions took effect and the BRs after the interventions
worked, with a blue dash line that represents Rb = Ra. We can immediately see that for most regions and
countries, the BR dropped dramatically after government interventions came into effect, which suggests
that the restriction measures imposed by the authority indeed reduce the contagion/infection rate
![]() | Rb | Ra |
Australia | 1.461638 | 0.750991 |
Austria | 1.569681 | 0.576945 |
China(Mainland) | 1.447200 | 0.630380 |
Czechia | 1.649399 | 0.728637 |
France | 1.509016 | 0.753908 |
Germany | 1.529826 | 0.775845 |
Greece | 1.190377 | 0.639993 |
Hong Kong | 1.252077 | 0.432526 |
Iceland | 1.066200 | 0.459162 |
Italy | 1.544364 | 0.870102 |
Latvia | 1.136798 | 0.614084 |
New York | 1.144667 | 0.875377 |
New Zealand | 2.301455 | 0.579001 |
Norway | 1.135488 | 0.678991 |
South Korea | 3.125643 | 0.466606 |
Switzerland | 1.544349 | 0.700379 |
A comparison between the expected daily confirmed cases for the two-phase dynamic contagion
model under the calibrated parameters (,
) is reported in Table 3, and the actual daily confirmed
COVID-19 cases for different regions and countries over the period of mid-February to early May are
presented in Figure 7. In general, we can see that the model can precisely catch the trend of infection, this
further confirms that the two-phase dynamic contagion model is effective. Note that, we have smoothed
the biggest jump of daily confirmed cases in China for better illustration and fitting purpose.
This is due to a change in the confirmation standard established by the Chinese authority on
In Figure 8, we compare the estimated daily increment with the actual confirmed COVID-19 cases for France, Germany, Switzerland, and New York. The daily records of confirmed cases for these areas were not as smooth as those countries illustrated in Figure 7. The spikes within the graphs could be caused by many reasons such as the delay of reports, testing capacity, hospital capacity, diagnostic methods and etc. For instance, the daily confirmed cases for France, Germany, Switzerland and New York suddenly declined on a regular basis, which mostly happened during the weekends. Even so, we can see the model can still capture the trend of infectious evolution. In Figure 9, we also compare the actual total confirmed COVID-19 cases against the cumulative estimated cases with a confidence interval within two standard deviations1 for some typical countries and territories. The black dash line in each graph of Figure 9 represents the end of data collection period for calibration. The red curve on the left of the black dash line shows the historical data used for calibration and the blue curve is the corresponding estimated result. The red and blue curves on the right of the black dash line demonstrate a comparison between the predicted and actual confirmed COVID-19 cases for countries and regions from the end of their data collection period to the end of May, 2020. We can see that the estimated curves of the number of confirmed infections under the two-phase dynamic contagion model well fitted the actual propagation process of the COVID-19. In addition, the forecasted infection cases in the coming weeks after the end of data collection period also well suited the up to date actual total confirmed COVID-19 cases.
According to Proposition 3.3, one could obtain the elimination probability of the epidemic by numerically
solving the ODE (3.2). Based on the calibration parameters (,
) provided in Table 3 for regions
and countries, we could obtain the associated elimination probabilities. Figure 10 illustrates how
varies for different countries and territories. We can see that for regions and countries with
effective restriction measures, the probability for a shorter period to observe the last ever event arrives
after government interventions come into effect will be much higher. On contrary, for some regions
and countries, longer periods are needed for elimination probabilities to be closed to 1. For
instance, we can see that there is still a long way to go to end the COVID-19 pandemic for
The elimination time of the pandemic depends on many decisive factors, such as the initial intensity of
the externally-exciting jumps, the time needed for the government interventions to come into effect, the
size of the branching ratio after the government interventions came into effect, etc. Figure 11, 12,
and 13 illustrate comparisons between the estimated ,
, Ra against E[
], respectively.
From Figure 11, we can see that for most countries and territories, the quicker the government
interventions come into effect, the faster the pandemic will end. However, some places like Hong
Kong and Iceland still have relatively fast elimination time even though it takes longer for
the government interventions to come into effect. This is probably because the restriction
measures for these places were imposed so early that reporting procedures were not properly in
place yet. Figure 12, and 13 clearly demonstrate that the externally-exciting jump intensity ϱ
and the branching ratio after the government came into effect Ra are important factors that
determine the extinction time of the pandemic. In general, to reduce the extinction time of the
pandemic, the first priority for the authorities should be introducing restriction measures such as
national/subnational lockdown to reduce the intensity of the external imported cases, and
while the external imported cases are controlled and thereafter negligible, the governments
should simultaneously introduce enforced restrictions to prevent further transmission. If the
government intervention strategies were effectively implemented without a lack of civic spirit,
the infection rate of the virus after the these intervention measures come into place will be
reduced significantly, and therefore lead to a quicker elimination of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Note that the prediction for expected elimination time for regions and countries is based on
the assumption that the government intervention measures are still taking into place in some
form and propagation of the disease continues as in Phase 2. Relaxation of the government
intervention measures will inevitably delay the disease elimination for most regions and countries.
Beside the conditional probability for the elimination time , the epidemic size Nt given {
≤t} can
also be predicted according to the join expectation of Nt and {
≤t} derived in Corollary 3.1. In Table
5, we report the 95% confidence interval for elimination time
the condition expectation of
the elimination time
, E[
], the expected elimination date DateE, and the conditional
expectation of the epidemic size Nt, E[Nt|
≤t}] with t = E[
], for regions
and countries with calibration parameters in Table 3. Note that, the regions and countries
with more confirmed COVID-19 cases before government interventions came into effect will
experience longer time to reach elimination state, like France, Germany, Italy, and New York.
And the corresponding expected epidemic size for these areas are also much larger. Note that
since we have smoothed the biggest jump of daily confirmed cases, adding up with the cases
which have been smoothed, the actual conditional expectation of the epidemic size is about
83113, which is very close to the current total confirmed cases 82,993 on 2020-05-27. In
general, not only the expected epidemic size is very close to the actual total confirmed cases for
the listed regions and countries, but also the estimated elimination date is very close to the
actual eradicate date. New Zealand is one typical example that can be used to demonstrate the
effectiveness of our model in predicting the key epidemiological quantities. New Zealand
authority has officially declared that the country has completely eradicated COVID-19 for
now with total of 1154 confirmed COVID-19 cases on 2020-06-08. This elimination date
and the final epidemic size are very close to what we predicted for New Zealand under the
two-phase dynamic contagion model, the predicted elimination date is around 2020-06-04 and the
predicted epidemic size is about 1250. More remarkably, the historical data we used for model
calibration for New Zealand is from 2020-03-12 to 2020-04-13, which is already one and
half months ago. This clearly shows that the two-phase dynamic contagion model is pretty
powerful in forecasting cumulative confirmed COVID-19 cases, predicting possible elimination
duration for the pandemic, and evaluating effectiveness of relevant government intervention
![]() | ℙ(![]() ![]() ![]() | E[![]() ![]() ![]() | DateE | E[Nt|![]() ![]() ![]() |
Australia | (47,97) | 66 | 2020-05-30 | 7059.46 |
Austria | (69,122) | 89 | 2020-06-21 | 15610.22 |
China (Mainland) | (87,142) | 108 | 2020-05-22 | 69675.10 |
Czechia | (111,216) | 150 | 2020-08-25 | 8932.448 |
France | (166,272) | 206 | 2020-10-23 | 154112.00 |
Germany | (175,285) | 216 | 2020-10-28 | 189116.50 |
Greece | (59,127) | 85 | 2020-06-24 | 2650.07 |
Hong Kong | (23,54) | 35 | 2020-05-05 | 945.81 |
Iceland | (28,61) | 41 | 2020-05-11 | 1787.79 |
Italy | (264,445) | 329 | 2021-02-13 | 276480.1 |
Latvia | (40,102) | 64 | 2020-05-31 | 764.80 |
New York | (149,261) | 192 | 2020-10-10 | 209311.80 |
New Zealand | (49,107) | 71 | 2020-06-04 | 1249.77 |
Norway | (83,162) | 113 | 2020-07-15 | 8024.73 |
Switzerland | (121,203) | 152 | 2020-08-22 | 33414.19 |
The conditional distribution of the final epidemic size N∞ can be obtained by numerically inverse the
probability generating function provided in Proposition 3.4. Since we assume the self-exciting jumps
follows an exponential distribution after government interventions came into effect, the final epidemic size
N∞ conditional on ℓ follows a mixed-Poisson distribution with probability mass function specified in
(3.16). Figure 14 demonstrates the conditional probability mass function of the difference between
the finial epidemic size N∞ and the total number of confirm cases Nℓ when government
interventions came into effect, i.e., ℙ
, for some regions and countries under
the calibrated parameters (
) for these regions and countries suggested in Table
In this paper, we have introduced a two-phase dynamic contagion process for modelling the current spread of COVID-19. This model allows randomness to the infectivity of individuals rather than a constant reproduction number as commonly assumed by standard models. Key episdemiological quantities, such as the distribution of final epidemic size and expected epidemic duration, are derived and estimated based on real data for various regions and countries. In addition, the associated time lag of the effect of intervention in each country or region has been estimated, and our empirical results are consistent to the incubation time of COVID-19 for most people found by existing medical study such as Lauer et al. (2020). The aim of this paper is to demonstrate that our model, as a representative of Hawkes-based processes, could be a valuable tool for epidemic modelling. In fact, the vast literature of Hawkes-based processes would also be relevant and potentially be applicable. For example, multivariate extensions of Hawkes-based processes, such as Embrechts et al. (2011) for analysing financial high-frequency data, could be adopted for modelling the cross-region epidemic contagion. Lévy-driven extensions, such as Qu et al. (2019) for portfolio credit risk, may perform better in capturing the heavy tail property of epidemic distribution. In addition, easing of the government interventions will lead to change of parameters and delay extinction times. The model can be adjusted by introducing an additional phase with change of parameters. When countries cycle between periods of restrictions and relaxations to manage COVID-19, we can adjust the two-phase dynamic contagion model by replacing the constant parameters to piecewise time dependent parameters. These are all proposed as future research.
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