
bitup.ti.shift(noisy, filter.number, family, max.shift = 3)

Performs the translation-invariant version of the BITUP denoising algorithm with an automatic choice of the shift parameters, as described in Section 5.3 of the paper. Requires WaveThresh.

noisy The noisy vector; its length has to be a power of two.
filter.number The wavelet filter number of the wavelet basis used for denosing. Can be between 1 and 10 if family = "DaubExPhase", and between 4 and 10 if family = "DaubLeAsymm".
family The wavelet family name of the wavelet basis used for denosing. Can be set to "DaubExPhase" (Daubechies' Extremal Phase) or "DaubLeAsymm" (Daubechies' Least Asymmetric).
max.shift The maximum permitted shift (denoted by M in the paper).

denv The denoised vector.