Performs the SQRT denoising algorithm with an automatic choice of the theta parameter, as described in Section 5 of the paper. Requires WaveThresh.
noisy | The noisy vector; its length has to be a power of two. |
wav.filter.number | The wavelet filter number of the wavelet basis used for denosing. Can be between 1 and 10 if family = "DaubExPhase", and between 4 and 10 if family = "DaubLeAsymm". |
family | The wavelet family name of the wavelet basis used for denosing. Can be set to "DaubExPhase" (Daubechies' Extremal Phase) or "DaubLeAsymm" (Daubechies' Least Asymmetric). |
thetamin | The minimum permitted value of the theta parameter of the thresholding profile; must be between 0 and 1. |
thetamax | The maximum permitted value of the theta parameter of the thresholding profile; must be between 0 and 1 and no less than thetamin. |
thetalength | The number of equispaced values of theta, between thetamin and thetamax, which the algorithm examines in order to find the optimum value. Must be a positive integer. |
ti | If T, then the translation-invariant version of the algorithm is performed. If F, then the algorithm is based on the traditional Discrete Wavelet Transform. |
denv | The denoised vector. |