Jouni Kuha: Research


Please see my CV for the complete list of publications.

Main publications and preprints:

1.      Jackson, J., Kuha, J., Bradford, B., and Hough, M. (2024). Why do people cooperate with the police and criminal courts? A test of procedural justice theory in 30 countries. CrimRxiv preprint,

2.      Di Mari, R., Bakk, Z., Oser, J., Kuha, J. (2023). Multilevel latent class analysis with covariates: Analysis of cross-national citizenship norms with a two-stage approach. arXiv preprint arXiv:2307.10720.

3.      Kuha, J. and Bakk, Z. (2023). Two-step estimation of latent trait models. arXiv preprint arXiv: 2303.16101.

4.      Lyrvall, J., Di Mari, R., Bakk, Z., Oser, J. and Kuha, J. (2025). Multilevel latent class analysis: State-of-the-art methodologies and their implementation in the R package multilevLCA. To appear in Multivariate Behavioral Research.

5.      Bosch, O.  J., Sturgis, P., Kuha, J., and Revilla, M.  (2024). Uncovering biases in digital trace data: An assessment of the prevalence and implications of tracking undercoverage when using web tracking data. To appear in Communication Methods and Measures.

6.      Zhang, S., Kuha, J., and Steele, F. (2024). Modelling correlation matrices in multivariate dyadic data: Latent variable models for intergenerational exchanges of family support.  Annals of Applied Statistics, 18, 3024-3049.

7.      Wouters, O.  J. and Kuha, J. (2024). Low- and middle-income countries experienced delays accessing new essential medicines, 1982-2024. Health Affairs, 43, 1410-1419.

8.      Wouters, O.  J., Kesselheim, A.  S., Kuha, J., and Luyten, J.  (2024). Sales revenues for new therapeutic agents approved by the US Food and Drug Administration from 1995 to 2014. Value in Health, 27, 1373-1381.

9.      Di Mari, R., Bakk, Z., Oser, J., Kuha, J. (2023). A two-step estimator for multilevel latent class analysis with covariates. Psychometrika, 88, 1144-1170.

10.   Kuha, J., Zhang, S., and Steele, F. (2023). Latent variable models for multivariate dyadic data with zero inflation: Analysis of intergenerational exchanges of family support. Annals of Applied Statistics, 17, 1521-1542.  

11.   Bakk, Z., Di Mari, R., Oser, J., and Kuha, J. (2022). Two-stage multilevel latent class analysis with covariates in the presence of direct effects. Structural Equation Modeling, 29, 267-277.

12.   Sturgis, P. and Kuha, J. (2022). How survey mode affects estimates of the prevalence of gambling harm: A multi-survey study. Public Health, 204, 63-69.

13.   Kuha, J., Bukodi, E., and Goldthorpe, J. H. (2021). Mediation analysis for associations of categorical variables: The role of education in social class mobility in Britain. Annals of Applied Statistics, 15, 2061-2082.

14.   Burchardt, T., Steele, F., Grundy, E., Karagiannaki, E., Kuha, J., Moustaki. I., Skinner C,, Zhang, N., and Zhang, S. (2021). Welfare within families beyond households:  Intergenerational exchanges of practical and financial support in the UK. LSE Public Policy Review, 2, 4: 1-11.

15.   Bakk, Z. and Kuha, J. (2021). Relating latent class membership to external variables: An overview. British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, 74, 340-362.

16.   Kuha, J. and Mills, C. (2020). On group comparisons with logistic regression models. Sociological Methods & Research, 49, 498-525.

17.   Steele, F., Clarke, P., and Kuha, J. (2019). Modeling within-household associations in household panel studies. Annals of Applied Statistics, 13, 367-392.

18.   Janssen, J. H. M., van Laar, S., de Rooij, M. J., Kuha, J., and Bakk. Z. (2019). The detection and modeling of direct effects in latent class analysis. Structural Equation Modeling, 26, 280-290.

19.   Bakk, Z. and Kuha, J. (2018). Two-step estimation of models between latent classes and external variables. Psychometrika, 83, 871-892.

20.   Kuha, J., Katsikatsou, M., and Moustaki, I. (2018). Latent variable modelling with non-ignorable item nonresponse: Multigroup response propensity models for cross-national analysis. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A, 181, 1169-1192.

21.   Sturgis, P., Kuha, J. Baker, N., Callegaro, M., Fisher, S., Green, J., Jennings, W., Lauderdale, B., and Smith, P. (2018). An assessment of the causes of the errors in the 2015 UK General Election opinion polls. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A, 181, 757-781.

·        Supplementary materials for the paper (including example data and code) can be downloaded from here.

·        See also the related Sturgis et al. (2016): Report of the Inquiry into the 2015 British General Election Opinion Polls.

22.   Kuha, J., Butt, S., Katsikatsou, M., and Skinner, C. J. (2018). The effect of probing "Don't Know" responses on measurement quality and nonresponse in surveys. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 113, 26-40.

23.   Wilson, B. and Kuha, J. (2018). Residential segregation and the fertility of immigrants and their descendants. Population, Space and Place, 24, e2098.

24.   Ding, Y. Y., Kuha, J., and Murphy, M. (2017). Pathways from physical frailty to activity limitation in older people: Identifying moderators and mediators in the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing. Experimental Gerontology, 98, 169-176.

25.   Bukodi, E., Goldthorpe, J. H. and Kuha, J. (2017). The pattern of social fluidity within the British class structure: A topological model. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A, 180, 841-862.

26.   Ding, Y. Y., Kuha, J., and Murphy, M. (2017). Multidimensional predictors of physical frailty in older people: Identifying how and for whom they exert their effects. Biogerontology, 18, 237-252.

27.   Reader, T. W., Mearns, K., Lopes, C., and Kuha. J. (2017). Organizational support for workforce health and employee safety citizenship behaviors: A social exchange relationship. Human Relations, 70, 362-385.

28.   Kuha, J. and Moustaki, I. (2015). Non-equivalence of measurement in latent variable modeling of multigroup data: A sensitivity analysis. Psychological Methods, 20, 523-536.

29.   Hafez, M. S., Moustaki, I., and Kuha, J. (2015). Analysis of multivariate longitudinal data subject to nonrandom dropout. Structural Equation Modeling, 22, 193-201.

30.   Bukodi, E., Goldthorpe, J. H., Waller, L., and Kuha, J. (2015). The mobility problem in Britain: New findings from the analysis of birth cohort data. British Journal of Sociology, 66, 93-117.

31.   Jackson, J. and Kuha, J. (2014). Worry about crime in a cross-national context: A model-supported method of measurement using the European Social Survey Data. Survey Research Methods, 8, 109-126.

32.   Sturgis, P., Brunton-Smith, I., Jackson, J., and Kuha, J. (2014). Ethnic diversity, segregation, and the social cohesion of neighbourhoods in London. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 37, 1286-1309.

33.   Kuha, J. and Jackson, J. (2014). The item count method for sensitive survey questions: Modelling criminal behavior. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series C (Applied Statistics), 63, 321-341.

34.   Skrondal, A. and Kuha, J. (2012). Improved regression calibration. Psychometrika, 77, 649-669.

35.   Jackson, J., Bradford, B., Hough, M., Kuha, J., Stares, S., Widdop, S., Fitzgerald, R., Yordanova, M., and Galev, T. (2011). Developing European indicators of trust in justice.  European Journal of Criminology, 8, 267-285.

36.   Curtice, J., Fisher, S. D., and Kuha, J. (2011). Confounding the commentators: How the 2010 exit poll got it (more or less) right. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion & Parties, 21, 211-235.

37.   Kuha, J. and Firth, D. (2011). On the index of dissimilarity for lack of fit in loglinear and log-multiplicative models. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 55, 375-388.

38.   Kuha, J. and Goldthorpe, J. H. (2010). Path analysis for discrete variables: The role of education in social mobility. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A, 173, 351-369.

39.   Akritas, M. G., Antoniou, E. S., and Kuha, J. (2006). Nonparametric analysis of factorial designs with random missingness: Bivariate data. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 101, 1513-1526.

40.   Kuha, J. (2004). AIC and BIC: comparisons of assumptions and performance. Sociological Methods & Research, 33, 188-229. (See also publisher's errata for the print edition of the paper, in SMR, 33, 417 (2005).)

41.   Kuha, J. and Temple, J. (2003). Covariate measurement error in quadratic regression. International Statistical Review, 71, 131-150.

42.   Akritas, M. G., Kuha, J. and Osgood, D. W. (2002). A nonparametric approach to matched pairs with missing data. Sociological Methods & Research, 30, 425-454.

43.   Kuha, J., Skinner, C., and Palmgren, J. (1998). Misclassification error. In P. Armitage and T. Colton (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Biostatistics, volume 4, pp. 2615-2621. New York: Wiley. Reprinted in M. Gail and J. Benichou (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Epidemiologic Methods, 2000. New York: Wiley.

44.   Kuha, J. (1997). Estimation by data augmentation in regression models with continuous and discrete covariates measured with error. Statistics in Medicine, 16, 189-202.

45.   Kuha, J. and Skinner, C. (1997). Categorical data analysis and misclassification. In L. Lyberg, P. Biemer, M. Collins, E. De Leeuw, C. Dippo, N. Schwarz, and D. Trewin (eds.), Survey Measurement and Process Quality, pp. 633-670. New York: Wiley.

46.   Riihimäki, H., Viikari-Juntura, E., Moneta, G., Kuha, J., Videman, T., and Tola, S. (1994). Incidence of sciatic pain among men in machine operating, dynamic physical work, and sedentary work: A three-year follow-up. Spine, 19, 138-142.

47.   Kuha, J. (1994). Corrections for exposure measurement error in logistic regression models with an application to nutritional data. Statistics in Medicine, 13, 1135-1148.

Funded research projects:

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[Last edited: 24 February 2025]