Irini Moustaki
Professor in Social
If you are interested in pursuing a PhD degree in Social Statistics please feel free to contact me via email. Page contents
Societies & Awards Research Interests
Latent variable models, structural equation models, categorical data, missing values, outliers, longitudinal data, composite likelihood estimation, applications of latent variable models to education, psychology and to social sciences in general. Books
Latent Variable Models and Factor Analysis: A Unified Approach
(2011), with D.J
Bartholomew, and M. Knott. John Wiley series in Probability and Statistics. ·
Analysis of
Multivariate Social Science Data (2008),
with D.J Bartholomew, F. Steele, J. Galbraith. Second edition. Chapman and
Hall/CRC. New
computing material in R, STATA, and Mplus have been
added on the book’s website for all chapters ·
Analysis and
Interpretation of Multivariate Data for Social Scientists (2002),
with D.J Bartholomew, F. Steele, J. Galbraith. Chapman and Hall/CRC. ·
Latent Variable and Latent Structure Models (2002).
Edited by G. Marcoulides and I. Moustaki. Lawrence
Erlbaum Associates, Inc. Publications
1. Published Articles 1. Moustaki, I. (1996). A latent trait and a latent class model for mixed observed variables. British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, 49(2), 313-334. 2. O'Muircheartaigh, C. and Moustaki, I. (1999). Symmetric pattern models: a latent variable approach to item non-response in attitude scales. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A., Vol. 162(2) 177-194. 3. Moustaki, I. and Knott, M. (2000). Generalised Latent Trait Models. Psychometrika, Vol. 65 (3), 391-411. 4. Moustaki, I. (2000). A Latent Variable Model for Ordinal Variables. Applied Psychological Measurement, Vol. 24(3) 211-223. 5. Moustaki, I. and O'Muircheartaigh, C. (2000). A one dimensional latent trait model to infer attitude from nonresponse for nominal data, STATISTICA, 259-276. 6. Moustaki, I. and Knott, M. (2000). Weighting for Item Non-Response in Attitude Scales Using Latent Variable Models with Covariates. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A, Vol. 163(3), 445- 459. 7. Joreskog, K. and Moustaki, I. (2001). Factor Analysis for Ordinal Variables: a Comparison of three approaches. Multivariate Behavioural Research, Vol. 36, 347-387. 8. Moustaki, I. (2003). A general class of latent variable models for ordinal manifest variables with covariate effects on the manifest and latent variables. British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, Vol. 56, 337-357. 9. Moustaki, I. and Joreskog, K. and Mavridis, D. (2004). Factor models for ordinal variables with covariate effects on the manifest and latent variables: A comparison of LISREL and IRT approaches. Structural Equation Modeling Journal, Vol. 11(4), 487-513. 10. Moustaki, I. and Papageorgiou, I. (2005) Latent class models for mixed outcomes with applications in Archaeometry. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, Vol. 48(3), 659-675. 11. Moustaki, I. and Steele, F. (2005). Latent Variable Models for Mixed Categorical and Survival Responses, with an Application to Fertility Preferences and Family Planning in Bangladesh. Statistical Modelling, Vol. 5, 327-342. 12. Moustaki, I. and Victoria-Feser, M.-P. (2006) Bounded-influence robust estimation in generalized linear latent variable models. Journal of the American Statistical Association Vol. 101, No. 474, 644-653. 13. Tsonaka, R. and Moustaki, I. (2007) Parameter constraints in generalized linear latent variable models. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis. Vol. 51, 4164-4177. 14. Rizopoulos, D. and Moustaki, I. (2008) Generalized latent variable models with non-linear effects. British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology Vol. 61, 415-438. 15. Mavridis, D. and Moustaki, I.(2008) Detecting outliers in factor analysis using the forward search algorithm. Multivariate Behavioral Research. Vol. 43 (3), 453-475. 16. Cagnone, S. and Moustaki, I. and Vasdekis, V. (2009) Latent variable models for multivariate longitudinal ordinal responses. British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology. Vol. 62, 401-415. 17.
Mavridis, D. and Moustaki, I. (2009) The forward search algorithm for detecting aberrant response
patterns in factor analysis for binary data. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 18(4):
1016-1034. 18.
V., Cagnone, S. and Moustaki, I. (2012) A Composite likelihood inference in latent
variable models for ordinal longitudinal responses. Psychometrika. Vol. 77(3) 425-441. 19. Ibironke, O., Koukounari, A., Asaolu,
S., Moustaki, I. and Shiff, C. (2012) Validation of a new test for Schistosoma haematobium by
detection of Dra1 DNA fragment in urine: evaluation through latent class
analysis. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases Vol. 6(1), e1464. 20. Katsikatsou, M., Moustaki, I., Yang-Wallentin, F. and Jöreskog , K. (2012) Pairwise Likelihood Estimation for factor
analysis models with ordinal data. Computational
Statistics and Data Analysis. 56 (2012) 4243–4258. 21. Koukounari, A., Moustaki, I., Grassly, N.C.,
Blake, I.M., Basáñez, M-G. Gambhir,
M., C. W. Mabey, D, C. W.,
Bailey, R. L., Burton, M.J., Solomon, A.W. and Donnelly, C.A. 22. Anagnostopoulos, F., Yfantopoulos, J., Moustaki, I. and Niakas,
D. (2013) Psychometric and factor analytic evaluation of the 15D
health-related quality of life instrument: the case of Greece. Quality of Life Research. Vol. 22,
1973-1986. 23. Koukounari A., Donnelly CA., Moustaki I., Tukahebwa EM., Kabatereine NB., Wilson S., Webster JP., Deelder AM., Vennervald BJ., van Dam GJ. (2013) Evaluating circulating cathodic antigen strips for the diagnosis of intestinal schistosomiasis in Uganda pre and post chemotherapeutic treatment: evidence from Latent Markov models. PLOS Computational Biology, 9 (12), e1003402. 24. Vitoratou, S., Ntzoufras, Y. and Moustaki, I. (2013) Marginal Likelihood Estimation from the Metropolis Output: Tips and Tricks for Efficient Implementation in Generalised Linear Latent Variable Models. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 84 (10), 2091-2105. 25. Moustaki,
I. and Knott, M. (2014) Latent variable models that account for atypical
responses. Journal of the Royal
Statistical Society, Series C. Vol. 63. 343-360. 26. Vasdekis, V., Rizopoulos, D. and Moustaki, I.
(2014) Weighted composite likelihood estimation. Biostatistics, Vol.
15(4), 677-689. 27. Hafez, M. and Moustaki,
I. and Kuha, J. (2014) Multivariate longitudinal
data subject to dropout: a latent variable approach. To appear in Structural Equation Modelling, Vol.
22(2) 193-201. 28. Vitoratou, S. and Ntzoufras, Y. and Moustaki, I. Explaining the
behaviour of joint and marginal Monte Carlo estimators in latent variable
models with independence assumptions. Statistics
and Computing, 26, 333-348. 29. Wall, M,
Park, J.-Y. and Moustaki, I. (2015) IRT modeling in the presence of zero-inflation with
application to psychiatric disorder severity. Applied Psychological
Vol. 39(8), 583-597. 30. Kuha, J. and
Moustaki, I. (2015). Non-equivalence of measurement in latent variable
modelling of multigroup data: A sensitivity
analysis. Psychological Methods, Vol. 20(4) 523-536. 31.
K. Moustaki, I. ,Rizopoulos,
D. and Vasdekis, V. (2015) A modified weighted
pairwise likelihood estimator for a class of random effects models. METRON, 73 (2), 217-228. 32. Katsikatsou, M. and
Moustaki, I. (2016) Pairwise likelihood ratio tests and model selection
criteria for structural equation model with ordinal variables. Psychometrika, 81(4), 1046-1068. 33. Mavridis, D.,
Moustaki, I., Wall, M. and Salanti, G. (2017)
Detecting outlying studies in meta-regression models using the forward search
algorithm. Research Synthesis Methods, 8(2),
199-211. 34. Vaidakis, D., Moustaki, I. Zervas, I., Barbouni, A. Merakou, K., Chrysi, M., Creatsa, G., Panoskaltsis, T.
(2017) Knowledge of Greek adolescents on Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) and
vaccination: A national epidemiological study. Medicine, 96(1). 35. Zhu, Y., Steele, F.S. and Moustaki,
I. (2017) A general 3-step maximum likelihood
approach to estimate the effects of multiple latent categorical variables on
a distal outcome. Structural Equation
Modelling, (24), 643-656. 36. Kuha,
J., Katsikatsou, M. and Moustaki, I. (2018) Latent
variable modelling with non-ignorable item nonresponse: Multigroup
response propensity models for cross-national analysis. Journal of the Royal
Statistical Society, Series A, 181(4), 1169-1192. 37. Jin, S., Moustaki, I and Wallentin,
F. (2018) Exploratory factor analysis via
approximate penalised maximum likelihood. Psychometrika, (83),
628-649. 38. Papageorgiou, I. and Moustaki, I. (2019) Sampling
of pairs in pairwise likelihood estimation for latent variable models with
categorical observed variables. Statistics
and Computing, 29(2), 351-365. 39.
Zhu, Y., Steele, F. and
Moustaki, I. (2020) A multilevel SEM for the interrelationships between
multiple latent dimensions of childhood socioeconomic circumstances,
partnership transitions and midlife health. Journal of
the Royal Statistical Society, Series A, Vol. 183(3), 1029-1050. 40.
Liu, D., Li, S., Yu, Y.
and Moustaki, I. (2021) Assessing partial association between ordinal
variables: quantification, visualization, and hypothesis testing. Journal
of the American Statistical Association, Vol. 116, 955-968. 41.
Chen, Y., Moustaki, I. and Zhang, H., (2021). A Note on Likelihood
Ratio Tests for Models with Latent Variables. Psychometrika, 85 (4), 996-1012. 42.
Koukounari, A.,
Moustaki, I., Jamil, H., Erosheva, E. and Shiff, C.
(2021) Latent Class Analysis: Insights about design and analysis of
schistosomiasis diagnostic studies. PLOS Neglected Tropical
Diseases, Vol. 15(2). 43. Geminiani, E., Marra,
G. and Moustaki, I. (2021) Single
and multiple-group penalized factor analysis: a trust-region algorithm
approach with integrated automatic multiple tuning parameter selection. Psychometrika,
86 (1),
65-95. 44. Petropoulou, M., Salanti, G.,
Rücker, G., Schwarzer, G., Moustaki, I. and Mavridis, D. (2021) A
forward search algorithm for detecting extreme study effects in network
meta-analysis. Statistics in Medicine, 40 (25), 5642 - 5656. 45.
Sofia Tsokani, Stavros A. Antoniou; Irini Moustaki; Manuel
López-Cano; George A. Antoniou; Ivan D. Flórez; Gianfranco Silecchia; Sheraz Markar; Dimitrios Stefanidis; Giovanni Zanninotto; Nader K. Francis; George H. Hanna; Salvador
Morales-Conde; Hendrik Jaap Bonjer;
Melissa C. Brouwers; Dimitrios
Mavridis. (2021) Guideline Assessment Project II:
Statistical Calibration Informed the Development of an AGREE II Extension for
Surgical Guidelines. Surgical Endoscopy, 35 (8), 4061 – 4068. 46. Burchardt
T, Steele F, Grundy E, Karagiannaki E, Kuha J, Moustaki I, Skinner C, Zhang N and Zhang S. (2021)
Welfare within Families beyond Households: Intergenerational Exchanges of
Practical and Financial Support in the UK. LSE Public Policy Review. 2(1):4, 1–11. DOI:
47. Park,J.-Y.,
Wall, M., Moustaki, I. and Grossman, A.H. (2021) A Joint Modeling Approach for Longitudinal
Outcomes and Non-ignorable Drop-out under Population Heterogeneity in Mental
Health Studies. Journal of Applied Statistics. 48. Katsikatsou, M., Moustaki, I. and Jamil, H. (2022) Pairwise
likelihood estimation for confirmatory factor analysis models with
categorical variables and data that are missing at random. British Journal
of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, 75(1), 23-45. 49.
Guastadisegni, L., Cagnone, S., Moustaki, I. and Vasdekis,
V. (2022) Use of the Lagrange multiplier test for assessing measurement
invariance under model misspecification. Educational and Psychological
82(2), 254 - 280. 50.
W., Wall, M. and Moustaki, I. (2022) Assessing Dimensionality in Dichotomous
Items When Many Subjects Have All-Zero Responses: An Example From Psychiatry
and a Solution Using Mixture Models. Applied
Psychological Measurement.
2. Contributions in Discussion of Papers 1.
Fayers P.M. and Hand D.J. (2002) Causal
variables, indicator variables and measurement scales: an example from
quality of life, Journal of the
Royal Statistical Society, Series A, 2002, Vol. 165(2) pp. 233-261.
Contribution to the discussion. 2.
J. and Stone, M. (2011) The abuse of regression in
the National Health Service allocation formulae: response to the Department
of Health’s 2007 ‘resource allocation research paper’. Journal of the Royal Statistics Society Series, A, 174, pp.
517-528. Contribution to the discussion.
Chapters in Books and Proceedings 1.
I. and O'Muircheartaigh, C. Item non-response
in attitude scales: a latent variable approach. 1996 Proceedings of the American Statistical
Association, Section of Survey Research Methods, 1997, 938 -943
Moustaki (2000)
A Review of Exploratory Factor Analysis for Ordinal Categorical Data,
in Structural Equation Models: Present
and Future edited by R. Cudeck, S. du Toit and D. Sorbom. Scientific
Software International, 461-480. 3. Moustaki, I. and O’Muircheartaigh, C. (2002) Locating ‘don't know’, ‘no answer’ and middle alternatives on an attitude scale: a latent variable approach, in Latent Variable and Latent Structure Models edited by G. Marcoulides and I. Moustaki, I. Lawrence Erlbaum, 15-41. 4. Moustaki, I. (2003) Latent variable models with covariates, in Statistical Musings edited by J. Panaretos. Lawrence Erlbaum. 5. Moustaki, I. and Knott, M. (2004) Computational aspects of the E-M and Bayesian estimation in latent variable models, in New Developments in Categorical Data Analysis for the Social and Behavioral Sciences edited by A. van der Ark, M. Croon and K., Sijtsma , Lawrence Erlbaum, 103-124. 6. Bock, D. and Moustaki, I. (2007). Item response theory in a general Framework in Handbook of Statistics on Psychometrics, Vol. 26, edited by C. R. Rao and S. Sinharay. Elsevier. 7. Moustaki, I. (2007) Factor Analysis and Latent Structure of Categorical and Metric Data in Factor analysis at 100: Historical developments and future directions. Cudeck, R., and MacCallum, R. C. (Eds.). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum. 8. Mavridis, D., Moustaki, I. and Knott, M. (2007) Goodness-of-Fit measures for Latent Variable Models for Binary data in Handbook for of Latent Variable and Related Methods edited by S-Y Lee. Holland: Elsevier. 9. Moustaki, I. (2008) New developments in latent variable models: non-linear and dynamic models, in Proceedings in Computational Statistics , Brito Paula (Ed.). 18th Symposium, Porto, Portugal. 10. Cagnone, S., Mignani, S. and Moustaki, I. (2009) Latent variable models for ordinal data in Statistical Methods for the Evaluation of Educational Services and Quality of Product. Monari, P. Bini, M.,Piccolo, D. and Salmaso, L. (Eds.). Physica-Verlag Heidelberg. 11. Moustaki, I. (2012) A review of estimation methods for latent variable models in Current Issues in the Theory and Application of Latent Variable Models edited by M. Edwards and R. MacCallum. 12. Moustaki, I., Knott, M. and Bartholomew, D.J. (2015) Latent-Variable Modeling. Wiley StatsRef: Statistics Reference Online, 1-10. 13. Cai, L. and
Moustaki, I. (2017) A review of estimation methods for latent variable models. In P. Irwing
and (Eds.). The Handbook of
Psychometric Testing. Wiley. 14. Guastadisegni, L., Cagnone, S.,
Moustaki, I. and Vasdekis, V. (2021) The asymptotic power of the Lagrange
Multiplier tests for mis-specified IRT models. 85th Annual Meeting of the
Psychometric Society, 2020. Wiberg, M., Molenaar, D., González, J., Böckenholt,
U., Kim, J.-S. (Eds.) Quantitative Psychology. Springer Proceedings in
Mathematics and Statictis. 4. Other Publications · (with D. Bartholomew and C. Phillips) Higher Education Pay and Prices Index (HEPPI). CVCP, London, biennial since May 1999-2003. · (with C. Phillips) Higher Education Pay and Prices Index (HEPPI). CVCP, London, biennial, 2003-2010 Editorial Responsibilities
Psychometrika (Editor
in Chief November 2014-December
2018) ·
Psychometrika (Associate
editor, September 2013-October 2014 and January 2019-) ·
Computational Statistics and Data Analysis. (Associate
editor, 2004-2013) ·
Structural Equation Modelling. (Editorial board since 2001) ·
of Educational and Psychological Measurement (Editorial Board since
2014). ·
Methodology: European Journal of Research Methods for the Behavioral and Social Sciences. (Editorial board since 2005) ·
Journal of Educational and Behavioral
Statistics, (Editorial board,
2011-2014) ·
Statistical Methods and Applications, (Associate
editor, January 2012-August
2014) ·
of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C (Applied Statistics), Special
Issue with theme in Social Statistics, Guest editors: Jouni Kuha and Irini Moustaki,
Volume 63, Issue 2, Pages 191-360. Other Professional
Qualifications, Awards and Services
Doctorate, Faculty
of Social Sciences, University of Uppsala, January 2014 ·
Department of Psychological Studies, The Education University
of Hong Kong, July 2015-July2018. ·
Excellence in Education Award, June
2016. ( ·
Member of the Society of Multivariate Experimental
Psychology (SMEP), since March 2016. ·
Psychometrika, Elected
Member of the Board of Trustees (2006-2010 and 2011-2014) ·
Royal Statistical Society, Fellow since 1994 ·
Psychometric Society, Member since 1997 ·
Committee, LSE (09/2017-08/2018). ·
Head of
Statistics Department, LSE, (January 2010-December 2012). ·
Head of Teaching,
Statistics Department, LSE (09/2017-08/2018 and 2020/21). Courses Taught
Undergraduate Courses · Basic Statistics · Regression Analysis with MINITAB · Sample Survey Theory and Methods · Statistical Techniques for Management Science (Sample Survey) · Analysis of Categorical Data · Quantitative Methods for Economists · Statistical Inference · Market Research Methods
Postgraduate Courses · Statistical Packages and Data Analysis · Further Sampling Theory · Non-linear models · Multivariate Analysis · Categorical Data Analysis · Multilevel and Longitudinal Data Analysis Short
Introductory Statistics for Economist course for the Summer
School, London School of Economics 1997-2008. ·
Regression analysis course, Goldman Sachs, London, May 1998. ·
One-day course on the methodology and application of latent
variable models in social sciences, Dublin Business School, University of
Dublin, November 1998. ·
One-day course on the methodology and application of latent
trait and latent class models to Government Social Researchers, London, September 1999 (with D. J. Bartholomew). ·
Short course on the methodology and application of latent trait
and latent class models in Social Sciences, Ph.D
program, Statistics Department, University of Bologna, Italy, 11-14 April
2000. ·
Teaching at the Management Business Administration postgraduate
course at the University of ESADE, Barcelona, since 2001. ·
Business and Management Decision Making, ESCEM School of
Business and Management International MBA programme, Poitiers, France, 13-17
January 2003. ·
Short course on the methodology and application of latent variable
models, Ph.D program, Statistics Department,
University of Bologna, Italy, 16-20 May 2002. ·
Management Business Administration
postgraduate course at the University of ESCEM, Poitiers France, January 2003. ·
17th Greek Statisticians Meeting, workshop on Latent Variable Models with
Applications in Social Sciences, Lefkada, 17 April
2004. ·
Market Research Methodology, Blocked
Seminar, Centre of European Management Schools (CEMS), Prague Economics
School, September 12-16, 2005. ·
Methodology and application of latent
variable models to the PhD students of the Statistics Department of the
University of Bologna, Italy, October 2006. ·
Methodology and application of latent
variable models to the PhD students of the Statistics Department of the
University of Florence, Italy, February 2007. ·
Structural Equation Modelling as part of
the European Courses in Advanced Statistics, 24-28th of September
2007, Grenoble, France. ·
Categorical Data Analysis, Faculty of
Psychology, University of Barcelona, Spain. 25-28th of May, 2010. ·
Structural Equation Modelling. Aristoteleio University, Thessaloniki, 23rd of
May 2011. ·
LCAT Training workshop on Latent Trait and Latent Class models
for cross-national surveys, hosted by Cathie Marsh Centre for Census and Survey Research, Manchester , 3-4 May 2012. ·
LCAT Training workshop on Latent Trait and Latent Class models
for cross-national surveys, hosted by the Applied Quantitative Analysis Methods Network (AQMeN), Edinburgh, 28-29 May 2012. ·
LCAT Training workshop on Latent Trait and Latent Class models
for cross-national surveys, Department of Economics, University of Tucuman,
Argentina, March 5-6, 2013. ·
LCAT Training workshop on Latent Trait and Latent Class models
for cross-national surveys, Department of Mathematics and Statistics,
University of Sao Paulo, March 15, 2013. ·
LCAT Training workshop on Latent Trait and Latent Class models
for cross-national surveys, Royal Statistical Society, London, September, 2014. ·
Methods Summer
School, ME115 Latent Variable Modelling and Structural Equation Modelling for
Social Sciences Research, 17-12 August 2015, London School of Economics. ·
Summer School in Survey Methodology, Latent Trait and Latent Class models for
cross-national surveys, University of Pompeu Fabra, 27 June -1 July 2016. ·
Methods Summer
School, ME115 Latent Variable Modelling and Structural Equation Modelling for
Social Sciences Research, 15-19 August 2016, London School of Economics. ·
30th APS Annual Convention, May 24-27, 2018, San Francisco, USA. Invited
Workshop on Latent Variables and Mixture Models for Analyzing Social Science
and Behavioral Data. ·
31st APS Annual Convention, May 23-26, 2019,
Washington DC, USA. Invited Workshop on Regression, Classification and Clustering in
Social Sciences.
Invited Talks
· Fourth International Meeting Dissertation Research in Psychometrics and Sociometrics, December 12-13, 2004, Tilburg University, The Netherlands. · 13th Workshop on Item Response Theory, October 29-30, 1997, University of Twente, The Netherlands. · International Symposium, Factor Analysis and Structural Equation Modelling Perspectives and Visions. Honouring the Research of Karl Joreskog, 31 March-1 April, 2000, University of Uppsala, Sweden. (Invited Speaker) · International Conference on Measurement and Multivariate Analysis, May 11-14, 2000, Banff Canada. (Invited Speaker). · 22nd Biennial Conference of the Society of Multivariate Analysis in Behavioural Sciences, July 17-19, 2000, London. (Organiser) · 15th Workshop on Item Response Theory, September 26-28, 2000, University of Twente, The Netherlands. · International Symposium on Structural Equation Modelling, December 13-15, 2000, St Charles Illinois. (Invited Speaker). · Computational Management Science Conference and workshop on Computational Econometrics and Statistics, April, 2-5, 2004, Neuchatel, Switzerland. (Invited Session, Chairman). · Factor Analysis at 100, May 13-15, 2004, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. (Invited Speaker). · Symposium in the honour of Paul Lazarsfeld, organized by the University of Leuven in, June 4-5, 2004, Brussels. (Invited Speaker). · Three papers presented at the 20th Workshop on Item Response Theory, October 12-14, 2004, University of Twente (Keynote Speaker). · The 14th International meeting and the 70th Annual meeting of the Psychometric Society, July 5-8, 2005, Tilburg, The Netherlands (Keynote Speaker). · International Association for Statistical Computing, 3rd world conference on Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, October, 28-31, 2005, Limassol, Cyprus. (Invited Session). · International Conference on “Statistical Latent Variable Models in the Health Sciences”, July 2-8, 2006, Perugia Italy. A satellite meeting of COMPSTAT 2006. (Invited Speaker) · First Joint meeting of the Societe Francophone de Classification and the Classification and Data Analysis Group of the Italian Statistical Society, June 11-13, 2008, Caserta, Italy. (Keynote Speaker) · International Conference on Multivariate Statistical Modelling & High Dimensional Data Mining 19-23 June 2008, Kayseri, Turkey. (Invited Session) · International Meeting of the Psychometric Society, June 29 - July 2, 2008, New Hampshire, USA. (Invited Session) · International Meeting of Computational Statistics, September, Porto, Portugal (Invited Speaker) · International Conference on Robust Statistics, June 15 - June 19, 2009, Parma, Italy (Invited Speaker) · Conference on Latent Variable Models; Honoring Michael W. Browne. September 9-10, 2010, at The Ohio State University in Columbus, OH. (Invited Speaker) · Italian Statistical Conference, University of Bologna, June 8-10, 2011 (Invited Speaker). · Symposium on Recent Advances in Methods for the Analysis of Panel Data, June 15016, 2011. ISCTE-IUL University of Lisbon. (Invited Speaker). · Composite Likelihood Methods, April 22-27, 2012. Banff Canada. (Invited session) · V European Congress of Methodology, July 17-20, 2012 Santiago de Compostela, Spain (Invited Session). · 13 Escola de Modelos de Regressao, February 24-27, 2013, Maresias, Brazil. (Invited Speaker). ·
International Meeting of the Psychometric
Society, July 22-26, 2013, Arnhem, The Netherlands. (State of the Art Lecture). ·
National Council
on Measurement in Education, April 2-6, 2014, Philadelphia (Invited session). ·
Joint Statistical Meeting, August 2-7, 2014, Boston (Invited Session). ·
One-day conference on Cross-national surveys: methods of design
and analysis, London School of Economics, December 15, 2014, London, UK. (Invited Speaker). ·
FIRB Research project: “Mixture and latent variable models for
causal inference and analysis of socio-economic data”, January, 23-24, 2015,
Rome, Italy. (Invited speaker). ·
ICQQMEAS Meeting, May 21-22, 2015, Athens, Technological
Institute of Education. (Keynote speaker). ·
80th Annual Meeting of the Psychometric Society, July
12-16, 2015, Normal University of Beijing, China. ·
Tagung der Fachgruppe
Methoden & Evaluation [FGME 2015] der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, September, 16 – 18, 2015, University of Jena. (Keynote speaker). ·
Computational Statistics Section, “How do you SEM? Pros and Cons of Software
Packages for Structural Equation Modelling”, 28th January,
2016. (Invited speaker). ·
for Categorical Data Analysis, February 10th, 2016, RWTH Aachen University,
Germany, (invited speaker). ·
81st Annual Meeting of the Psychometric Society, July
12-15, 2016. Asheville, NC, USA. ·
Fourth Conference on the
Statistical Methods in Psychometrics, August 31- September 1, 2016,
Department of Statistics, Columbia University, New York, USA (Invited
speaker). ·
Society of Multivariate Experimental Psychology
Meeting, October 19–22, 2016, Richmond, VA (Invited speaker). ·
A conference in honor of
Paola Monari, February 3, 2017, University of
Bologna. (Keynote speaker) ·
6th Annual Thomas Ten Have Symposium on
Statistics in Mental health, May 12, 2017, Department of Child and Adolescent
Psychiatry, New York University. (Keynote
speaker) ·
Conference of the International Federation of Classification Societies,
August, 8-10, 2017, Tokyo, Japan. (Keynote speaker). ·
Fifth Conference on the Statistical Methods in Psychometrics, Columbia
University, November, 17-18, 2017, NYC. (Invited
speaker). ·
CroNos workshop of
Multivariate Data Analysis and Software, April 3-5, 2018, Lemessos,
Cyprus (Keynote speaker). ·
International Test
Commission Conference, July, 2-5, 2018, Montreal, Canada, (Keynote speaker) ·
2nd Workshop on Categorical Data Analysis. October 22-23,
2018, Aachen, Germany (Co-Organiser).
PIACC Methodological Seminar, The use of test scores in secondary
analysis, June 14, 2019, OECD, France. (Discussant) ·
Education Technologies and Computational
Psychometrics, October 9-10, 2019, Iowa City, (Keynote Speaker) PhD Students
1. Dimitris Mavridis,
(completed) “Goodness-of-fit measures
and outlier detection in Latent Variable Models with categorical and Mixed
data”. 2. James Abdey,
(completed) “To p, or not to p?
Quantifying Inferential Decision Errors to Assess Whether Significance Truly
is Significant”. 3.
Myrsini Katsikatsou, (completed) “Composite likelihood estimation for structural equation models and
ranked data” (co-supervisor) 4.
Silia Vitoratou, (completed) “Efficient
Bayesian marginal likelihood estimation
for generalised latent trait models”. (co-supervisor) 5.
Evgenia Tsompanaki,
(completed) “Using hybrid latent
variable models for modelling missing data”. 6.
Mai Hafez, (completed) “Analysis
of Multivariate Longitudinal Categorical Data Subject to Nonrandom
Missingness: A Latent Variable Approach”. 7.
Yan Lu (in progress) “Methods for the detection of multivariate
outliers”. 8.
Camilo Cardenas-Hurtado (in progress) “A flexible class of
Latent Variable Models”. Research Grants
nonresponse and measurement error in cross-national surveys: Methods of data
collection and analysis. Funded by: NCRM Call for Methodological Innovation
Projects, Amount: £192,247. PI: J. Kuha,
Co-investigators: C. Skinner, J. Jackson, I. Moustaki (Co-I). 1st of April 2013 – 31st of November
2014. ·
variable modelling of categorical data: Tools of analysis for cross-national
surveys, ESRC, RES-239-25-0022
(1/4/2010-30/9/2012) with J. Kuha (PI), I. Moustaki (Co-I), S. Stares, G. Gaskell and
J. Jackson. ·
of interventions and diagnostics of neglected tropical diseases in
sub-Saharan Africa, MRC fellowship awarded to Dr A. Koukounaris,
C. A. Donnelly (PI), I. Moustaki (Co-I) (10/1/2011-31/8/2013). Award to LSE. ·
and equal burden sharing in EU asylum, British Academy Award, 1/6/2010 –
31/5/2011 with L. Bovens (LSE Department of
Philosophy) and I. Moustaki, £7,500. ·
of analysis and inference for social survey data within the framework of
latent variable modeling and pairwise likelihood, ESRC Award,
1/10/2014-1/10-2017, ESRC fellowship awarded to Dr M. Katsikatsou, I.
Moustaki (Mentor). Grant Reference: ES/L009838/1. ·
for the Analysis of Longitudinal Dyadic Data with an Application to
Intergenerational Exchanges of Family Support. ESRC Research Grant to begin
October 2017. F. Steele (PI), J. Kuha, I. Moustaki
(Co-I) and C.
Skinner. ES/P000118/1. ·
F. Steele (PI), J. Kuha, I.
Moustaki (Co-I) and
C. Skinner. ES/P000118/1. Methods for the Analysis of Longitudinal Dyadic
Data with an Application to Intergenerational Exchanges of Family Support.
ESRC Research
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2022 by Irini Moustaki] |