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Fiona Steele

Professor in Statistics

Office: Columbia House, Room COL 7.12

Address: Department of Statistics
London School of Economics
Houghton Street
London, WC2A 2AE
United Kingdom



Curriculum Vitae (September 2022) (pdf format)

Teaching and office hours

On sabbatical leave throughout 2022-23.

Online training materials

Data and syntax (includes Mplus, R, SPSS and Stata) to accompany Bartholomew, D.J., Steele, F., Moustaki, I. and Galbraith, J.I. (2008) Analysis of Multivariate Social Science Data (2nd edition). CRC Press.

Modules on analysis of multilevel data from LEMMA online course. Author of modules on analysis of multilevel continuous, binary, ordinal and nominal responses, and repeated measures data. Materials includes practical exercises in MLwiN and Stata.

Course on multilevel discrete-time event history analysis (1.8MB). Materials include lectures slides, Stata practicals, datasets and syntax.

Research interests

Longitudinal data analysis

Multilevel modelling

Event history (survival) analysis

Simultaneous equations modelling

Applications of social statistics in demography

Recent research grants

Methods for the Analysis of Longitudinal Dyadic Data, with Applications to Intergenerational Exchanges of Family Support (DyLAnIE), October 2017 - September 2021, ESRC with co-funding from EPSRC. Principal Investigator.

Longitudinal Effects, Multilevel Modelling and Applications (LEMMA 3), October 2011 - March 2015. A node of the ESRC National Centre for Research Methods. Principal Investigator.

Interrelationships between Housing Transitions and Fertility in Britain and Australia, October 2010 - March 2014, funded by ESRC. Principal Investigator.

Methods for modelling repeated measures in a lifecourse framework, April 2011 - March 2014, funded by MRC. Co-Investigator.

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[Last modified: September 2022 by Fiona Steele]
© London School of Economics and Political Science 2022