Collaboration with industry, scientists in other disciplines
(by Qiwei Yao)
Day-ahead probabilistic forecasting for daily electricity loads and quantiles for curve-to-curve regression.
(With X. Xu, Y. Chen and Y Goude.)
Applied Energy , 2021, 301, 117456.
Estimation of extreme quantiles for functions of dependent
random variables.
(with J. Gong, Y. Li and L. Peng.)
J. Royal. Statist. Soc., B, 2015, 77, 1001-1024.
Matching a distribution by matching quantiles estimation.
(with N. Sgouropoulos and C. Yastremiz.)
J. Ameri. Stats. Assoc., 2015, 110, 742-759.
Modelling and forecasting daily electricity load curves: a hybrid approach
(A supplementary).
(with H. Cho, Y. Goude and X. Brossat.)
J. Ameri. Stats. Assoc., 2013, 108, 7-21.
Common structure in panels of short time series. (With H.Tong, B.Finkenstaedt and
N.C.Stenseth) Proceeding Royal Soc. Land. B. 2000, 267, 2457-2467.
Last update: 18 July 2021
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