List of all data sets used in the book, including worked examples

The data sets are also in the package 'cmm', that can be installed from R using 'packages->load package'.
After installing the package, the data can be loaded and used using, eg, the command data(GSS93).
To get help in R, use eg 'help(cmm)' or 'help(GSS93)'

Name Place in book Worked examples Data
General Social Survey 1993 (GSS93) Section 2.1     GSS93.R GSS93.dat
Body satisfaction  Sections 2.2.2, 3.1 BodySatisfaction.R bodysatisfaction.dat
Netherlands Kinship Panel Study (NKPS)  Sections 2.2.3,3.2,5.1,6.4.2  NKPS.R NKPS.dat
Netherlands Concern about crime and social security  Section 4.1     DutchConcern.R DutchConcern.dat
National elections studies (NES)      Sections 4.2.1, 4.3.1, 4.3.2 NES.R  nes political orientation panel 1992-1994-1996.dat
Marijuana and alcohol use    Sections 4.2, 4.4  DrugUseNYS.R  DrugUseNYS.dat
Women's labor partic. 1967-1970  Section 4.3.2 LaborParticipation.R  LaborParticipation.dat
European Values Studies (EVS)    Section 4.3.2     EVS.R   EVS.dat
Clarence Thomas  Section 5.2.1    ClarenceThomas.R  ClarenceThomas.dat
Antisemitism       Section 5.2.2 Antisemitism.R  antisemitism.dat
Smoking cessation    Section 5.2.3     Smoking.R smoking.dat
Political preference Netherlands (trend study) Sections 6.1, 6.2, 6.4.1  DutchPolitics.R DutchPolitics.dat
Erie County politics         Section 6.3         ErieCounty.dat
Italian Labour Force Survey         Not in book       trendilosp.R trendilosp.zip

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